Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tip #36: [Word, Excel, Powerpoint] Resize pictures while maintaining proportion

        what do these icons mean?

You draw a square in Word, and you resize it by dragging the dots in the corners, but alas, it becomes a rectangle! What do you do?

Here are the steps again:
  1. Click on the picture/shape/object you want to resize.
  2. Hold on to the Shift key.
  3. Resize the object by dragging one of the dots in the corners.
  4. Release your mouse button and the Shift key.
Actually (I only found out after recording the video), in any version of Office, only shapes can be freely resized out of proportion using the "corner handles". Pictures by default will always remain in proportion (unless you resize them using the "side handles"), so the koala bear was a bad example!

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