Tutorial page for tabbing

Hooray! You've opened a new tab!

If you look at the top of this page, you can see a bar with tabs across of it, below your menu bars. Each tab represents a page that you have open. Something like in the image below:

You can see that the second tab stands out of the first, indicating that the page you are now looking at is currently in the second tab.

2 Now, try clicking on the first tab to switch back to the page you were at to continue reading the tutorial.

4 Like tabbing backwards in form fields, you can also switch to the tab before by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Tab (same on Mac too). Try that now.

6 To close this tab, press Ctrl + W (Command + W on Macs), or click on the little X on the tab. On Windows you can also middle-click the tab to close it. If you press Ctrl + W / Command + W when there is only one tab open, it will close the browser window.

8 You can close this tab again now :)